Our Services

Federal Recreation Passes 

*There is no entrance fee or parking permit required to visit the refuge* 

Staff are issuing passes at the La Crosse District Visitor Center. Please follow the link to see the Visitor Center hours. All offices are closed on federal holidays. 

For fee-based passes, we can only accept cash or check payment. We cannot accept credit card payment. 

Some passes are available for purchase online. To purchase a Senior Annual, Annual, Access or Senior Lifetime Pass, visit the U.S. Geological Survey Online Store. You can find more information about these passes and fee areas, order online or plan your trip to federal public lands at Recreation.gov. 

Passes available: 

  • Senior Lifetime Pass ($80)
  • Senior Annual Pass ($20)
  • America the Beautiful Annual Pass ($80)
  • Military Annual Pass (Free to active military)
  • Veterans Pass (Free to veterans)
  • Access Pass (Free, with conditions) Every Kid Outdoors Pass (Free for 4th graders, with completed online voucher) 
Silhouette of a person walking with a shotgun on the tundra

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Kayakers navigating a swamp full of trees and lily pads.

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