Ways to Get Involved
Become a volunteer or Refuge Friend to contribute your strength on behalf of our natural resources. Some of the areas or programs you can help are:
- Visitor Center
- Environmental Education/Interpretation
- Administration/Telephone Reception
- Maintenance
- Biology Program
Who May Volunteer?
No special skills are needed to be a volunteer at the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge. Volunteers are welcome regardless of race, religion, age, sex, nationality, or disability. U.S. citizenship is not required.
How to Apply?
Applications are available through volunteer opportunity posts on volunteer.gov. For more information about any of the above volunteer programs contact Park Ranger – Visitor Services Specialist of the Vieques NWR @ 305-587-4603
Our Partners
The Vieques NWR occupies approximately half of the island of Vieques. We are an integral part of the local community and partner with many entities to protect the island’s natural resources. Aside from assisting the Municipality, various Commonwealth Agencies, other federal agencies and several NGOs, we are also among the primary responders for disaster responses under Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). We participate and/or assist with several community events, such as the Carnivals, Marchs, and tournaments, among others.
Due to the various nature and wildlife dependent opportunities available at the VNWR, we are an economic engine for nature based and sustainable tourism on the island. Several business and jobs are directly tied to ecotourism; while many others indirectly benefit from these activities and the popularity of the VNWR.
Vieques NWR Partners:
Vieques Municipality (https://www.facebook.com/Municipio-de-Vieques)
Puerto Rico Fire Fighters and Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) (http://www.drna.gobierno.pr)
Vieques Conservation and Historical trust (http://www.vcht.org)
Para la Naturaleza (http://www.fideicomiso.org)
The Ecological Coastal Park the Ceiba of Vieques (ardelloski@yahoo.com)
Sea Grant at the University of Puerto Rico Humacao (http://www.seagrantpr.org)
TICATOVE (Vieques Conservation Group) is unofficial Friend’s/Partner Group of the VNWR (https://www.ticatove.org)
Isla Nena Composta (https://www.facebook.com/islanenacomposta)
Apiario Bieke (https://www.facebook.com/pg/ApiarioBieke)
Finca y Colmena Cimarrona (https://www.facebook.com/colmenacimarrona)
Education Programs
Youth Conservation Corp (YCC)
Youth Conservation Corps - Programa de Verano 2023 (google.com)
Y3C (Youth & Conservation Community Center)
The Vieques NWR has turned three former Navy base barracks & facilities into the YC3. These facilities house the YCC office & Home Room and four NGOs who work to have youth conservation workshops and summer camps. They also have a small library, playground, greenhouse, and a basketball/volleyball area.
Vieques NWR Explorers
This is a small Boy/Girls scout type of group. That is dedicated to teaching children about nature, conservation, and outdoor skills.
Biology Research Station
This facility is for scientists, professors and college students who work with the refuge to conduct biological or another similar scientific research. The Researchers and college students also invite high school students to learn about their research and teach STEM workshops at the YC3.
The VNWR works with various educational and conservation institutions to provide internship opportunities for young people interested in the type of work conducted by the USFWS.
Education at Local Schools