Visit Us
The refuge is closed to all public use. Limited permits are awarded for research purposes only.
National wildlife refuges offer us all a chance to unplug from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with our natural surroundings. Boaters may view the island from the water only as all access to the island is restricted.
Points of Interest
A lighthouse is visible on the west end of the island. First constructed in 1848, the light was automated in 1937. Many wading birds can be seen flying back and forth from the island to feed during the summer.
Other Facilities in the Complex
Staff at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge manage West Sister National Wildlife Refuge. Marshes in Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge as well as others along the shore provide feeding areas for the birds nesting on the island.
Rules and Policies
West Sister Island National Wildlife Refuge is closed to all visitors.