The easternmost refuge in the Mississippi Flyway, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge provides an important home for Alabama's largest wintering duck population. While waterfowl may not be hunted here, the refuge does offer hunting opportunities for many popular game species. The deer herd is growing because of the refuge's diversity of habitats -- including bottomland hardwood forest, pine uplands and croplands. Hunters may pursue deer during the state archery season, and the refuge offers a refuge-specific flintlock season. While hunting pressure is fairly high, deer hunters have a good chance for success if they put time into scouting. Feral hogs are scattered throughout the refuge and may be taken during the deer season. Pursuing raccoons at night with hounds is a popular local sport permitted on the refuge, and the refuge is also popular among rabbit and squirrel hunters.
Hunt Permits, Refuge Regulations, Maps, Gate Schedules, and Guides can be downloaded from https://www.fws.gov/refuge/wheeler/library