Woman dressed warmly in camouflage and standing in marsh reeds aims a shotgun into the air

Whittlesey Creek NWR protects wetlands along Lake Superior as well as a beautiful trout stream that provides habitat for spawning fish from the lake. For hunters, the refuge offers a good waterfowl hunting opportunity along the coastal wetlands of the lake east of Highway 13. While Lake Superior is best known by waterfowlers for diving duck hunting, the refuge offers the chance for a good puddle duck hunt along the shores. A boat makes access easier, but some hunters do hike in. Hunting pressure is very light throughout the season. The refuge also offers an archery deer season on refuge tracts that are larger than 20 acres.

ActivitySeason DatesHarvestSpecial Regulations
Archery DeerApplicable state season applies2hoursbeforeandafter legal shooting hoursState regulations apply
WaterfowlApplicable state season applies2hoursbeforeandafter legal shooting hoursState regulations apply
Sport FishingApplicable state season appliesSunrise to SunsetWeprohibitthetakingofanymussel(clam),crayfish, frog, leech, and turtle species by any method on the refuge.
Trout FishingFirstSaturdayinMayto November 15Sunrise to Sunset

Daily bag limit: 5 trout and salmon in total, only 2 of whichmaybebrowntroutover15”andonly1ofwhich may be a rainbow trout.

All brook trout must be immediately released.

Lengthlimit:browntrout10”,salmon12”andrainbow trout 26”.


WhittleseyCreekNationalWildlifeRefugeislocatedinnorthernWisconsinandencompasses severalimportanttributariesandshorelinealongLakeSuperior.Therefugewasestablishedin 1999inanefforttorestorecoasterbrooktrout,anativetroutthatspawnsinWhittleseyCreek and spends its adult life in Lake Superior. Another important role of the refuge is to provide environmental education in the local community through a partnership with other agencies in the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center.


TheRefuge is bordered irregularly by private land. Please be aware of refuge boundary signs.


Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on National Wildlife Refuge System landsmustcomplywithallprovisionsofStateandlocallaw.Personsmayonlyuse(discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42 and specific refuge regulations in 50 CFR Part 32.)


LicensedmotorvehiclesarepermittedonlyonpublicroadsanddesignatedRefugeparking areas. Consult attached map. Overnight parking is prohibited.

Accessibility Information

Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs and activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is available to all individuals regardless of physical or mental ability. For more information please contact the U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Equal Opportunity, https://www.doi.gov/pmb/eeo/public-civil-rights

Hunting and Fishing Regulations

Hunting and fishing regulations are designed to provide safe recreational opportunities through wise use of renewable wildlife resources. Hunting and fishing are permitted in accordancewithFederalregulationsgoverningpublicuseonNationalWildlifeRefugesasset forth in Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Hunting and fishing will be in accordance with applicable State of Wisconsin regulations subjecttotheconditionsstatedinthisbrochure.Brochuresmaybeobtainedbymail,atthe refuge website, or at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center.

Specific information related to trout fishing is also included in state fishing regulations for Lake Superior under Whittlesey Creek, downstream from Town Hall Rd.


All visitors, except for hunters, may only accesstherefugefromsunrisetosunset. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier than 2 hours before legal shooting hours and must exit the refuge no later than 2 hours after legal shooting hours end.

Hunters and anglers must park in designated parking areas, as identified on the map below. Public access to refuge lands east of Highway 13 open to both waterfowl and archery deer is south from LongbridgeRd.ViaadjacentDNRproperty, or the shoreline of Lake Superior.

TreeStands/Blinds/ Decoys

Ground blinds or any elevated stands are permitted only if they do not damage live vegetation,includingtrees.Theuseofnails, wire, screws or bolts to attach a stand to

atree,orhuntingfromatreeintowhicha metalobjecthasbeendriventosupporta hunter, is prohibited.

All stands and all other personal property, includingdecoys,mustberemovedfromthe Refuge at the end of each day’s hunt. The construction or use of permanent hunting blinds is prohibited.

Harvest Reporting

Hunters must follow statewide harvest reporting regulations.

ToReport Violations

  • RefugeLawEnforcementOfficer,phone612-283-8963
  • 1-844-FWS-TIPS (397-8477)

Prohibited Activities

  • Bylaw,recreationalactivitiesonnationalwildliferefugesareprohibitedunlessexpressly permitted.
  • The use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances are prohibited.
  • Fires,includingcharcoal,aswellasallfireworksandexplosives,are prohibited.
  • Camping is prohibited.
  • Petsmustbeonaleash,exceptwhenusedforthepurposeofhuntingwherepermittedin accordance with federal and state regulations and seasons.
  • VegetationmaynotbedamagedorremovedfromtheRefugeincludingwillowandbirch twigs or branches.
  • Disposing of animal carcasses, trash, yard waste or other debrisis prohibited.
  • Trappingoffurbearersis prohibited.
  • Firearm deer hunting is prohibited on the Refuge.
  • Distributionoffeedorbaitorhuntingoverbaitisprohibited.Thisincludessaltand minerals.
  • Bows must be cased at all times while in areas posted as no hunting.
  • Theuseofartificiallightsandvehicleheadlightsareprohibitedtotakeorlocate game.
  • Huntersmustobtainpermissionformthelandownertoenterprivatepropertytoretrieve deer.
  • Huntersmust possess and use only non-toxic shot while waterfowl hunting.
  • Motorized watercraft use is prohibited.
  • Weprohibit alltypes of motorizedvehicles onfrozen water bodies.
  • Weprohibitthetakingofanymussel(clam),crayfish,frog,leech,andturtlespeciesby any method on the refuge.
Related Documents
Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge Hunt Brochure

2024-2025 hunt brochure