- William L. Finley National Wildlife RefugeWillamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex Headquarters 26208 Finley Refuge Road Corvallis, OR 97333-9533
- Driving Directions
William L. Finley NWR
Travel south 10 miles from Corvallis, OR or north 7.5 miles from Monroe. Visitors can access the northern half of the refuge via Finley Refuge Road at the western entrance off Bellfountain Road or the eastern entrance off Highway 99W. The southern half can be accessed via Bruce Road, with entrances off both Highway 99W and Bellfountain Road.
Snag Boat Bend Unit
Travel east from Corvallis, OR on Highway 34 to Peoria Rd. Go south on Peoria Rd for 11 miles. Watch for an entrance sign along the roadside.
Refuge HoursDailyDawn to DuskRefuge HeadquartersMonday - Friday8am- 4pmThe Wild Goose Nature Store (inside headquarters building)Friday-Sunday10am-4pm