July 11, 2024: Kuskokwim River Mainstem Fishing Opportunities

Pursuant to authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (YDNWR) Manager, as In-Season Manager, hereby announces five gillnet fishing opportunities for Federally qualified subsistence users only downstream of the Kalskag Bluffs and Uknavik Slough (Kalskag Line) to the mouth of the Kuskokwim River at the Refuge boundary.  Learn more in the press release.

Press Release Page Press Release PDF


Birds are sensitive during the nesting season. Vegetation clearing, ground disturbance, heavy wake near shorelines and other site construction and recreational activities can destroy eggs or nestlings or cause nest abandonment. If you encounter an active nest, leave it be and give it space until young hatch and depart the area. Do not destroy eggs, chicks, or adults of wild bird species. Learn about the laws that govern migratory birds in Alaska including possible exceptions for subsistence gathering. More information on avoiding waterbird harassment and timing recommendations for construction activities to minimize impacts to nesting birds.

Visit Us

Rainbow over tundra wetlands in late spring, Yukon Delta Refuge.

Experience the vastness of the tundra, the force of the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers, and the spectacle of wildlife migration at the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge offers various recreational opportunities to visitors and residents alike, including hiking, camping, fishing, birdwatching, and hunting. Visiting this refuge requires good advance planning: like most of Alaska, access to the refuge is by boat or small airplane, as there are no roads across the landscape. Please consider seasonal variations and variable weather conditions when planning your visit.

A visitor center and administrative office are located in Bethel, AK, within a 10-minute drive from the city airport. The office is open Monday – Friday from 8 am – 4 pm, except for major Federal Holidays. Call ahead to to get more information about the refuge and how to plan your visit.


Refuge Visitor Center & Headquarters
807 Eddie Hoffman State HighwayBethel,AK99559

The visitor center offers a small museum that exhibits wildlife, interprets the uniqueness of tundra and includes a large relief map showcasing the expanse and ecological diversity of the refuge. A small sales outlet of Alaska Geographic offers a variety of wildlife and educational related products. Refuge staff work in a co-located administrative office. 

Driving Directions

You cannot drive to the refuge since no roads lead into Bethel, the location of the refuge headquarters. Various airlines provide regular commercial flights to and from Bethel. Upon arriving in the airport in Bethel, drive 2 miles along one of the few paved road in town, the Chief Eddie Hoffman State Highway, to the refuge office and visitor center which is located across from the hospital (a structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.

Learn more about structure
known locally as the "yellow submarine"). From Bethel, most non-local visitors travel into the refuge by small aircraft.

Visitor Center hours
Monday – Friday
8 am – 4:30 pm