A Friends partnership is made up of a nonprofit Friends organization and a national wildlife refuge or national fish hatchery. All refuge Friends organizations share the same primary mission: the support of a national wildlife refuge, a complex of refuges or a program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

What We Do

Our Services

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides support and guidance to almost 200 Friends partnerships nationwide and facilitates the formation of new partnerships at all staffed national wildlife refuges or refuge complexes. Training, mentoring, networking and skill-building opportunities increase group capacity while fostering individual growth.

A Friends partnership is made up of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Friends organization and a refuge or complex of refuges. The partnership is formalized in a Friends Partnership Agreement. All refuge Friends organizations share the same primary mission: the support of a refuge, a complex of refuges or a program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Refuge Friends groups have flourished since the passage of the Volunteer and Community Partnership Act of 1998, which directs the Refuge System to encourage volunteer assistance, facilitate non-federal partnerships and encourage donations by organizations.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Refuge Friends Coordinator Contact List


Linda Schnee
Email: Linda_Schnee@fws.gov


Chelsea McKinney
Email: Chelsea_Mckinney@fws.gov 


Emily DeLanzo
Email: Emily_Delanzo@fws.gov 


Kumiko Highley
Email: Kumiko_Highley@fws.gov


Susan Heisey
Email: Susan_Heisey@fws.gov


Lelaina Muth
Email: Lelaina_Muth@fws.gov


Jackie Jacobson
Email: Jackie_Jacobson@fws.gov


Lisa Hupp
Email: Lisa_Hupp@fws.gov 


Ivette Lopez
Email: Ivette_Lopez@fws.gov

Our Services

Friends program resources