Angela Palacios

Angela Palacios Profile
Biological Science Technician

20441 Main Canal Road
Parker, AZ 85344
United States

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About Angela Palacios

Biological Technician, Angela Palacios, majored in Renewable Natural Resources at the University of Arizona. Angela got her start with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2008 with the New Mexico Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office. While in New Mexico, Angela maintained aquaculture facilities, assisted in field population surveys of fishes in rivers throughout New Mexico, and lead the office's outreach efforts including the Native Fish in the Classroom program. 

As of July 2021, Angela is based at the Achii Hanyo Native Fish Rearing Facility, a satellite facility of Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery. Angela maintains the facilities and multiple  Razorback Sucker and Bonytail Chub production ponds. These ponds provide grow-out sites for the endangered Razorback Sucker and Bonytail Chub species for recovery purposes. 

Areas of expertise
Outreach and Environmental Education
Fisheries Field Work
Fish Culture/Recirculation Systems