Ben Kennedy

Ben Kennedy
Fish Ecologist

Abernathy Fish Technology Center
1440 Abernathy Creek Rd.
Longview, WA 98612
United States

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About Ben Kennedy

Ben serves as the primary lead for field activities coordinated by Abernathy FTC. His primary responsibilities are associated with a large-scale multidisciplinary project examining the natural reproductive success and demographic effects of hatchery-origin steelhead in a lower Columbia River estuary. His duties include coordinating field activities such as electrofishing, sample collection and PIT tagging. Additionally, he performs statistical analyses of data related to growth, mitigation, behavior, life history, survival and abundance.


M.S. 2005. Ecology. Utah State University, Logan, UT.

B.S. 2000. Fishery Biology. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.


Zydlewski, J., G. Zydlewski, B. Kennedy, and W. Gale. 2014. Smolting in coastal cutthroat trout Onchorhynchus clarkii clarkii. Journal of Fish Biology 85(4): 1111-1130.

Bingham, D.M., B.M. Kennedy, K.C. Hanson, and C.T. Smith. 2014. Loss of integrity in hatchery steelhead produced by juvenile-based broodstock broodstock
The reproductively mature adults in a population that breed (or spawn) and produce more individuals (offspring or progeny).

Learn more about broodstock
and wild integration: conflicts in production and conservation goals. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:609-620.

Kennedy, B.M., W.L. Gale, and K.G. Ostrand. 2007. Relationship between smolt gil Na+, K+ ATPase activity and mitigation timing to avian predation risk of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a large estuary. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64(11): 1506-1516.

Kennedy, B.M., J. Baumsteiger, W.L. Gale, W.R. Ardren, and K.G. Ostrand. Morphological, physiological, and genetic techniques for improving field identification of steelhead, coastal cutthroat trout, and hybrid smolts. Marine and Coastal Fisheries Dynamics Management and Ecosystem Science 1:45-56.

From The Library

Assessing superimposition of listed tule fall Chinook salmon redds using aerial and ground surveys on the White Salmon River, Washington

Upriver bright (URB) fall Chinook salmon reared and released from the Little White Salmon and Willard National Fish Hatcheries are known to stray into the White Salmon River. Interactions between hatchery-origin URB strays and ESA-listed tule fall Chinook salmon are believed to lead to a loss in...

Assessing superimposition of listed tule fall Chinook salmon redds using aerial and ground surveys on the White Salmon River, WA

Hatchery upriver bright (URB) fall Chinook salmon are straying into the White Salmon River (Figure 1). ESA-listed tule fall Chinook population in the White Salmon River spawns earlier (Sept – Oct) than URBs (late Oct – Nov). Tule redds at risk to superimposition which may displace eggs and...