Bill Uihlein

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Assistant Regional Director of Conservation Science and Innovations

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About Bill Uihlein

Bill serves as the Assistant Regional Director of the Science Application and Migratory Bird Programs. Science Applications and Migratory Birds provides a mission-driven relationship-building forum that focuses on defining the conservation landscape of the future to sustain fish, wildlife, and plants. Both programs are within the South Atlantic Gulf and Mississippi Basin. They are comprised of incredibly skilled individuals working to support decision making to sustain fish and wildlife by addressing and integrating efforts such conservation adaption planning and coordinating science within the Service’s interest in the Regional Vision through science capacity development, landscape planning and integration, supporting the work of Joint Venture partnerships, informing targeted conservation actions, measuring results, and evaluating uncertainties.

Bill says his background and love of outdoors came from working for his dad, the foreman, on several ranches in Wyoming, California, and New Mexico. He earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Biology from Eastern New Mexico University and a Ph.D. from Mississippi State University. Bill’s Service career has been in Migratory Birds, serving as the Science Coordinator and eventually the Coordinator of the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture partnership and then in his current role of Assistant Regional Director. Most of Bill’s work experiences have centered on leadership, relationship building, and leveraging technical expertise in landscape assessment, ecosystem modeling, and monitoring for waterfowl and landbirds.