Bonnie Campbell

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About Bonnie Campbell

With over 40 years experience in scientific and technological fields, Bonnie brings a blended skillset. As an educator she’s taught in a variety of settings on various subjects ranging from Biology and Chemistry (Secondary Science Educator - MN, AK; Adjunct Instructor – University of AK, Anchorage) to Aircraft Control, Mission Crew Management & Instruction (U.S. Air Force Command & Control Officer – AK AWACS, AK Region Operations Control Center). With expertise in enterprise data, project, and program management she’s managed both systems and supervised personnel in high stress environments as Business Systems Analyst, Technical Program Manager (Paul Allen launched dot-com) and Operations Floor Supervisor (USAF – AK Region Operations Control Center).

Bonnie has spent the last 13 years working in Department of the Interior Agencies – the National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service. She’s engaged in several key scientific data management, enterprise solution, and strategic planning efforts including serving on NPS I&M Program’s Long-Term Data Management Task Force, DOI GitHub Enterprise Cloud (DGEC) Authority to Operate (ATO) and Implementation Teams as NPS and later FWS liaison, assisted in writing DOI level policy and guidance for both systems and software solutions (DOI Open-Source Software Policy; DGEC ATO System Security Plan, DGEC Guidelines and Policy). She’s worked at field to headquarters levels from Midway Atoll NWR to the Northern Colorado Plateau and National Capital Area NPS I&M Networks to FWS Southeast Region.

As Multi-Regional Data Manager (SE, NE, SW), she leads the multi-Region, multi-Program Trust Data Management Committee, and cultural change effort to weave data management into our daily conservation work to effectively and efficiently leverage Trust Data for conservation while meeting Federal compliance obligations. She works across Regions and Programs, closely with other Regional Data Managers as well as technical and conservation leadership across FWS, sister Agencies, and DOI.

Bonnie holds degrees in Biology and Chemistry (B.A.s, St Olaf College), graduate degrees in Science Education (M.A., College of St Thomas) and Environmental Science and Engineering -  Ground and Surface Water Contaminant Fate and Transport focus (M.S., Oregon Graduate Institute) as well as graduate studies in Arctic and Civil Engineering (University of Alaska, Anchorage; Portland State University).

Additional roles
DOI GitHub Enterprise Cloud (DGEC) Implementation Team
FWS Liaison; FWS Data Standards Working Group Co-Lead
Areas of expertise
Data Management
Project Management
Strategic Planning & Risk Assessment
Enterprise Solution Design
Integration & Implementation
Software & Database Development (SQL, R, Python, VBA, ++)