Caleb Spiegel

Caleb Spiegel
Populations Branch - Wildlife Biologist

300 Westgate Center Drive
Hadley, MA 01035
United States

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About Caleb Spiegel

Caleb was raised in Hawaii where he developed an early interest in the outdoors. He recieved a BS in Environmental Science and Biology from St. Lawrence University, and then worked for nearly 10 years as a field biologist on several (mostly bird-focused) projects around the world. In 2009, Caleb received a MS in Wildlife Science from Oregon State University (thesis: Black Oystercatcher nesting ecology). Since 2010 he has worked in all three branches of the region's Migratory Bird program, most recently overseeing conservation and research projects in offshore, nearshore, and coastal environments, and working with partners to develop and coordinate seabird and shorebird planning and organization. Recent activities include understanding and addressing impacts of marine debris and fisheries bycatch on marine birds, minimizing conflicts between birds and offshore energy development, implementing the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative, coordinating the Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative, and engaging with states as USFWS Nongame Liaison to the Atlantic Flyway Council.

Areas of expertise
Seabird and shorebird conservation, management, biology and ecology
Partnership development and coordination
Avian tracking & banding