1211 SE Cardinal Ct
Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683
United States
About Chase Kozlowski
Chase operates automated mass marking trailers to support mass marking projects, assists with PIT tagging, biosampling, extraction and reading of recovered coded wire tags, and scale reading and aging.
Program: Marking and Tagging
Current Projects:
1. Mass Marking at Columbia River Gorge, Mid-Columbia and Dworshak NFH complex hatcheries
2. Mass Marking and tagging for fall Chinook salmon at Spring Creek and Little White Salmon NFHs
3. PIT tagging for the Smolt Monitoring Project
4. Mass Marking and tagging for steelhead and spring Chinook at Dworshak NFH
5. Representative PIT tagging at Columbia River Gorge Complex NFHs
Chase graduated from Mt. Hood Community College with a degree is fisheries technology. Chase previously was a hatchery supervisor and a hatchery technician for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, fish hatchery specialist for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, intern for U.S. Forest Service, and a soldier in the U.S. Army.
At CRFWCO since: 2021