Chris Pasley

A man in rainjacket and ballcap stands in a concrete tank, holding up in both hands a gorgeous steelhead in bright spawning colors.
Hatchery Manager (Retired)

453A Twin Lakes Road
Winthrop, WA 98862
United States

From The Library

Leavenworth NFH Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Final Report and Associated Appendices

This report and its associated appendices analyze the sensitivity, exposure, impact, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of Leavenworth  National Fish Hatchery and its spring Chinook broodstock program to the long-term trends in climate and increased likelihood of extreme weather events...

Entiat National Fish Hatchery Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis Final Report and Associated Appendices

This report and its associated appendices analyze the sensitivity, exposure, impact, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of Entiat National Fish Hatchery and its summer Chinook broodstock program to the long-term trends in climate and increased likelihood of extreme weather events that could...

Makah National Fish Hatchery Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis Final Report and Associated Appendices

This report and its associated appendices analyze the sensitivity, exposure, impact, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of Makah National Fish Hatchery and its fall Chinook, coho salmon, winter steelhead trout broodstock programs and any supplemental programs to the long-term trends in climate...

Warm Springs NFH Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Final Report and Associated Appendices

This report and its associated appendices analyze the sensitivity, exposure, impact, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of Warm Spring  National Fish Hatchery and its spring Chinook broodstock program to the long-term trends in climate and increased likelihood of extreme weather events...