Christopher Brewer

Colt Brewer holding two bass
Facilities Operation Specialist

520 Federal Hatchery Rd.
Erwin, TN 37650
United States

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About Christopher Brewer

Christopher "Colt" Brewer is a Facility Operation Specialist at Erwin National Fish Hatchery. Colt earned his BS in Fisheries Science in 2020 from Tennessee Technological University. After graduation Colt worked for the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency in his hometown of Erwin, Tennessee as a Wildlife Technician at the Erwin State Fish Hatchery. In January of 2023, Colt began work at the Erwin National Fish Hatchery. Colt has a wealth of knowledge of the local community and has extensive experience raising trout.

Additional roles
Maintenance Work
Areas of expertise
National Broodstock Program
Inland Salmonid Production
Bass fishing