Cindy Fury

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About Cindy Fury

Cindy is a wildlife biologist currently serving as Project Leader for the Florida/Caribbean Migratory Bird Field Office and has also worked for the USFWS as an Ecological Services Everglades Restoration biologist and Senior Biologist for the A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, as well as a Biological Administrator for the State of Florida and is an Air Force Veteran. She provides technical guidance to other agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the public related to bird and habitat issues. She also serves as a champion of Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (JEDIA) in various capacities including working with Historical Black Colleges and Universities, other Minority Serving Institutions, historically marginalized landowners and communities, and with USFWS staff providing Inclusive Engagement Workshops and Teambuilding Workshops.

Additional roles
DISC Behavior/Self Awareness/Teambuilding Coach
Region 4 JEDIA Task Force Coordinator
Gateway Team Member
Project Leader
Areas of expertise
Avian ecology
Habitat management
Human Dimensions