Daniel Bunting

Daniel Bunting
Geospatial Biologist

201 N Bonita Ave, Suite 141
Tucson, AZ 85745
United States

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About Daniel Bunting

As a geospatial biologist within the Southwest Region (R2) I provide science support both internally across programs within the Service and externally through collaborations with state agencies, universities, and non-governmental entities. An overarching goal is to coordinate and facilitate actionable science that achieves landscape-scale conservation. We elicit strategies to increase collaboration; inform conservation priorities and at-risk species; co-develop tools to improve science, data management, and dissemination.

Additional roles
Service Cooperator for the Texas & Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units
Liaison to USGS Southcentral & Southwestern Climate Adaptation Science Centers
Service Technical Representative for the Desert Southwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
Southwest Representative for the Wildlife Conservation Initiative
Co-Principal Investigator for the Grassland Effectiveness Monitoring Program
Areas of expertise
Spatial Analysis
Remote Sensing
Landscape Conservation
At-risk Species
Research and Conservation Partnerships
Science Communication