David Safine

man holding a goose by a river
Biologist - Waterfowl

1011 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99503
United States

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About David Safine

David joined the Alaska Region Migratory Bird Management Program in 2016 as a biologist/migratory bird coordinator for the waterfowl section.  He has spent most of his career working with sea ducks in Alaska, from molting and staging areas on the Alaska Peninsula to breeding areas on the Yukon Delta, Yukon Flats, and Arctic Coastal Plain.  Currently, he is an observer on aerial waterfowl surveys, a regional representative to the Sea Duck Joint Venture and Pacific Flyway technical teams, and member of the Eider Recovery Team.  When he isn't working, David enjoys being outside with his family, especially hiking, fishing, hunting, and skiing. 

Selected publications:

Safine, D.E., Lindberg, M.S., Martin K.H., Talbot S.L., Swem, T.R., Pearce, J. M., Stellrecht, N.C., Sage, G.K., Riddle, A.E., Fales, K. and T.E. Hollmén. 2020. Use of genetic mark-recapture to estimate breeding site fidelity and philopatry in a threatened sea duck population, Alaska-breeding Steller’s eiders. Endangered Species Research 41:349-360. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01026

Hupp, J.W., Safine, D.E. and R.M. Nielson. 2013. Response of cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii taverneri) to spatial and temporal variation in the production of crowberries on the Alaska Peninsula. Polar Biology 36:1243–1255. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-013-1343-3

Hollmén, T.E., DebRoy, C., Flint, P.L., Safine, D.E., Schamber, J.L., Riddle, A.E. and K.A. Trust. 2011. Molecular typing of Escherichia coli strains associated with threatened sea ducks and near-shore marine habitats of south-west Alaska. Environmental Microbiology Reports 3: 262-269. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1758-2229.2010.00220.x

Safine, D.E. and M.S. Lindberg. 2008. Nest habitat selection of White-winged Scoters on Yukon Flats, Alaska. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120: 582–593.

From The Library

USFWS FONSI for Migratory Bird Hunt 2025

This document is the USFWS Finding of No Significant Impact of the Alaska Subsistence Harvest for 2025.


The Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Population Survey (ACP Survey) provides data on the distribution and relative abundance of 33 bird species (including 29 waterbird species) that nest in northern Alaska. Among those reported are species of conservation concern, including threatened...

Spring-Summer Migratory Bird Harvest 2024 -FONSI

This document reviews the proposed action of opening the spring-summer subsistence hunt for migratory birds for the year 2024.  There was a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) on nesting migratory birds or to the quality of the human environment according the National Enivronmental...

Regulations for the 2024 Alaska Subsistence Spring/Summer Migratory Bird Harvest

This booklet outlines the regulation for the 2024 Alaska subsistence spring/summer harvest.