Emily Granstaff

Emily smiling in red bouse
Conservation Adaptation Specialist

446 Neal Street
Cookeville , TN 38501
United States

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About Emily Granstaff

Emily Granstaff is based out of Cookeville, TN and has been with the US Fish and Wildlife Service since 2009.  During her career with the Service, she provided science and GIS support for landscape scale aquatic habitat initiatives in conjunction with the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership.   She also worked in the Tennessee Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program to implement habitat restoration projects with private landowners that benefit federally listed species.  Emily currently provides science and networking support to other USFWS programs and external conservation partners interested in advancing their conservation actions that align with the Southeast Conservation Blueprint.  She focuses primarily in the Southern Appalachian region and is the point of contact for partners in Tennessee and Kentucky.  Emily is a native Tennessean and enjoys finding hidden fishing spots with her partner and their 2 sons across the Southeast.

Additional roles
Tennessee Coop Unit Liaison
User Support
Areas of expertise
Aquatic species conservation
Private lands habitat restoration
Conservation partnerships
Data management