Hannah Vincelette

woman next to dog with mountains in the background
Wildlife Biologist - Landbirds

Migratory Bird Management
1011 E. Tudor Rd., MS 201
Anchorage, AK 99503
United States

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About Hannah Vincelette

Hannah is a Wildlife Biologist in the Alaska Migratory Bird Management Division. She earned a Bachelor’s of Wildlife Biology and Ecological Restoration (minor) at Colorado State University and worked in the CSU Listening Lab. During this time she developed a passion for identifying birds by their vocalizations and pursued an independent study and subsequent publication in IBIS on the effect of aircraft noise on bird communities. Since joining the Migratory Bird Management Landbird section in 2020 she has assisted with identifying birds on Military Lands using sound data, in addition to several other monitoring projects involving point-count surveys and tag deployments on breeding birds in Alaska. She has also aided in the organization and sharing of legacy data in order facilitate its use towards bird conservation. Outside of the office she enjoys reading novels with a cup of coffee, playing guitar, hiking, biking, and playing frisbee with her dog Koda.


Insights on the effect of aircraft traffic on avian vocal activity – (IBIS)

The sound of birds in a world of noise (BOU Blog)