Jim A Johnson

Man walking on tundra
Wildlife Biologist - Alaska Landbird Coordinator

Migratory Bird Management
1011 E Tudor Rd, MS 201
Anchorage, AK 99503
United States

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About Jim A Johnson

Jim A. Johnson, began his career with Migratory Bird Management in 2000 as a graduate student focused on the breeding bird communities of Southeast Alaska’s major mainland river systems. In 2003, he began a full-time position assisting the MBM’s Shorebird and Landbird programs. Since then, Jim has directed his attention to understanding the breeding and migration ecology of some of North America’s most imperiled species, including the McKay’s Bunting, Gray-headed Chickadee, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Rusty Blackbird, Red Knot, and Lesser Yellowlegs.  Jim is also committed to large-scale monitoring programs; he coordinates the Breeding Bird Survey program in Alaska as well as the Alaska Landbird Monitoring Survey program on National Wildlife Refuges and military lands.  He is an active participant in Boreal Partners in Flight and Alaska Shorebird Group and helped develop these groups’ conservation plans. Jim’s commitment to applying effective bird conservation measures extends beyond Alaska—he followed two Alaska breeding shorebirds, the Hudsonian Godwit and Whimbrel, to their nonbreeding area on Chiloe Island, Chile, where he and partners initiated a successful conservation program.

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