Karen Herrington

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Midwest Region Ecological Services Program Leader

5600 American Boulevard West
Bloomington, MN 55437
United States

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About Karen Herrington

I lead the Midwest Region Ecological Services Program as we work with partners to promote and implement habitat conservation, restoration, and environmental health, recover endangered species, and advocate for sound land and water management that conserves fish, wildlife, and plants locally and nationally.


M.S. 2005. Fisheries and Applied Aquaculture, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.

B.S. 1999. Environmental Biology. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.

From The Library

Interim Consultation Framework for Northern Long-Eared Bat

The Interim Consultation Framework provides a mechanism to improve the efficiency and consistency of completing formal section 7 consultation for the NLEB for projects consistent with the former 4(d) rule and provide for exemptions from section 9 prohibitions for incidental take that is...

Appendix A. Standing Analysis for Interim Consultation Framework for the Northern Long-eared Bat

This document constitutes the Standing Analysis for the Interim Consultation Framework. In this Standing Analysis we examine whether potential federal actions covered by the Interim Consultation Framework are likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the northern long-eared bat; this...

Appendix B. Biological Assessment Form for Interim Consultation Framework for the Northern Long-eared Bat

This Biological Assessment Form is intended for use by Federal agencies as part of the Interim Consultation Framework for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB).

Appendix C. Biological Opinion Form for Interim Consultation Framework for the Northern Long-eared Bat

The following template Biological Opinion (BO) and Incidental Take Statement (ITS) Form (BO and ITS Form) should be completed by the local Ecological Services Field Office for project-specific consultation under the Interim Consultation Framework.

DRAFT Consultation Guidance for Development Projects

This document includes a step-by-step voluntary approach to consultation for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) and the tricolored bat (TCB) for project types that do not include wind turbine operation or sustainable forestry, or projects included under other programmatic consultations. The...