101 12th Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701
United States
About Keith Herron
Keith Herron is a Biologist and Assistant Fisheries Manager focused on increasing tribal consultation along the Yukon River. He grew up in Alaska, originally from Bethel but also lived in Wrangell, Seward and Kenai and now lives in Anchorage. He graduated from the University of Alaska Anchorage with his Biological Science degree as a member of ANSEP (Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program) and is attending the University of Alaska Fairbanks for his Master of Science in Fisheries. His experience with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service includes being a crew member at the East Fork Andreafsky River Weir, and a Directorate Fellow with the Office of Subsistence Management.
His position and graduate work has a special focus on indigenizing salmon management through the process of creating safe spaces for dialogue of historical or current inequities in science or management systems so that Indigenous peoples, values, practices and knowledge are better understood and included in science and management systems.