Kevin McAbee

Kevin McAbee
Whooping Crane Coordinator

Asheville, NC 28730
United States

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About Kevin McAbee

As the FWS's Whooping Crane Coordinator, Kevin McAbee works with local, state, federal, and tribal partners to conserve one of our nation's most iconic species through implementation of many diverse recovery actions. Prior to his current position he worked on native species recovery in upper Colorado River basin for 15 years as the Nonnative Fish Coordinator for the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program and as an ESA biologist in the Utah Field Office. He is also the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) humpback chub recovery team lead. Kevin's work focuses on fostering partnerships with diverse stakeholders to help conserve endangered species across political boundaries. He believes that partnership is critical to successful conservation because various perspectives and expertise enact stronger projects with more community buy-in. Kevin holds an MS in Natural Resources from the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forest Resources.

Areas of expertise
Recovery planning and implementation
ESA Partnerships
Interagency consultation
Nonnative fish management
Partnership development
Water management for endangered species

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