Kristin Bates

Hatchery Manager, Kristin Bates
Hatchery Manager

897 Hatchery Road
Neah Bay, WA 98357
United States

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About Kristin Bates

Kristin Bates joined the Makah team in December 2019 as their Hatchery Manager. Kristin graduated from the University of Idaho in 2010 with a bachelors degrees in both Fishery and Wildlife Resources. She then spent the next four years working out in Prince William Sound, Alaska gaining experience with all 5 species of pacific salmon. From 2014-2019 she raised sockeye salmon for CIAA at their Trail Lakes Fish Hatchery in Moose Pass, Alaska. Kristin received a Masters in Business Administration in 2017 from the University of Phoenix to compliment her fisheries education and experience.

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