Laci Pattavina

Laci Pattavina
Fish and Wildlife Biologist - Transportation Projects, Bats

355 E Hancock Ave
Room 320
Athens, GA 30601
United States

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About Laci Pattavina

Laci Pattavina is a fish and wildlife biologist with specialized interests in mammal conservation. Laci received her BSFR in Wildlife from the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia and her MS in Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation from Virginia Tech. Laci has worked in the private and public sectors for over 10 years on bat related conservation projects, especially as they related to environmental compliance with NEPA, ESA, and other laws and policies. Laci lives in Athens, Georgia with her husband, Pete, their two boys, and two quirky dogs. In her personal time, Laci enjoys camping and hiking with family and pups, running, spending quality time with friends and family, and working on home renovation projects.

Have questions about bats and project planning?

Check out our Bat Conservation in Georgia page for loads of information, including common QnA's about the Proposed Northern Long-Eared Bat Uplisting 2022NLEB Critical Habitat, and NLEB 4(d) Rule

Areas of expertise
Mammal conservation
Bats in transportation structures
Prescribed fire

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