Lauri Hanauska-Brown

Lauri Hanauska-Brown
Coordinator, Prairie Pothole Joint Venture

922 Bootlegger Trail
Great Falls, MT 59404
United States

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About Lauri Hanauska-Brown

Lauri has been the PPJV Coordinator since April 2023. Previously, she served as the Wildlife Division Bureaus Chief at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Lauri obtained her MS degree from Boise State University and brings over two decades of experience conserving wildlife and wild places. She has worked across kitchen tables and meeting rooms looking for ways to find common ground on bison restoration, grizzly bear management, black-footed ferret introductions and literally, bats in the attic. She is passionate about habitat conservation and conserving space for future generations.

Areas of expertise
Bird and habitat conservation within the Prairie Pothole Region