Louise Vaughn

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About Louise Vaughn

Louise received both a B.A.in English and an M.S. in Natural Resources from NC State University. She has worked with the SECAS partnership for almost ten years and helps to integrate cultural and natural resources that reflect partner priorities within the Southeast Blueprint. She works closely with state/Caribbean territory fish and wildlife agencies, regional conservation partnerships, Southeastern Tribes, and others to provide capacity and support to help clear barriers to conservation action. She’s particularly interested in work that allows her to support the development of resilient and equitable communities where people and natural resources thrive.

Outside of work, Louise likes to read with her daughter, garden with her son, and scheme ways to replace her husband’s grass with native plants. 

Additional roles
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) Liaison
Wildlife Diversity Committee Liaison
Rivercane Restoration Alliance Liaison
Areas of expertise
Conservation planning, strategic partnerships, communication, GIS, analysis and assessment, supporting funding proposals, state/territory wildlife action plans
Strategic partnerships
Analysis and assessment
Supporting funding proposals
State/territory wildlife action plans