Abernathy Fish Technology Center
1440 Abernathy Creek Rd.
Longview, WA 98632
United States
About Matt Smith
Matt's research focuses on population genetics and genomics. He is collaborating on projects designed to evaluate genetic and ecological interactions between hatchery and wild fish, explore spatial patterns of genetic divergence of threatened and endangered species, and develop genetic management goals for a conservation hatchery. Using principles, theories, and techniques of molecular and population genetics, Matt provides technical coordination and general advice to other professionals, agencies, tribal groups, and educational institutions to solve resource management problems and conserve the genetic diversity of natural populations.
M.S. 2010. Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
B.S. 2008. Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. University of Washington,. Seattle, WA.
Smith, M.K., C.E. Pascal, Z.A.C. Grauvogel, C. Habicht, J.E. Seeb, and L.W. Seeb. 2011. Multiplex preamplifications PCR and microsattelite validation enables accurate single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping of historical fish scales. Molecular Ecology Resources 11:268-277.
Gomez-Uchida, D., J.E. Seeb, M.J. Smith, C. Habicht, T.P. Quinn, and L.W. Seeb. 2011. Single nucleotide polymorphisms unravel hierarchical divergence and signatures of selection among Alaskan sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11(1):48.