Mo Correll

Maureen (Mo) Correll
Habitat Branch - Science Coordinator, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture

300 Westgate Center Drive
Hadley, MA 01035
United States

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About Mo Correll

Mo has earned a BS in Biology from the College of William and Mary. She worked seasonally as a technician and project manager within the US and abroad for several years before earning her PhD in Ecology and Environmental Science from the University of Maine (NSF IGERT Fellow). This graduate and post-doctoral work focused on the biogeography and conservation of the Saltmarsh Sparrow and other tidal marsh obligate birds. After graduate school Mo worked at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies for 5 years leading a research program focused on full-annual-cycle conservation and ecology of grassland birds. Mo joined the Service as Science Coordinator for the ACJV in spring 2021. She also has a penchant for flying drones in the name of science.

Additional roles
Regional lead on creation of state-level prioritization of marshes
At-risk SALS team SHARP liaison
Areas of expertise
Tidal marsh ecology
Saltmarsh sparrow ecology
Grassland bird ecology