About Nanette Seto
Nanette is currently the Chief of the Migratory Birds and Habitat Program in the Pacific Region. Nanette has contributed over 30 years in conservation biology, spanning all levels of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. From the field to headquarters, Nanette career has focused on bird conservation and is rooted in her early work in conserving seabirds on Midway Atoll. A native of Hawaii, Nanette earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Zoology with a focus on Conservation Biology at the University of Hawaii. After starting her career with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Hawaii, Nanette has worked in positions located in Washington, Oregon, and at the Headquarters Office in Virginia. Nanette’s career and passion is deeply rooted in bird conservation with a strong interest in engaging urban communities and youth in migratory bird conservation and recreation.