Nate Queisser

Fish Biologist, Nate Queisser, standing wearing black waterproof pants and jacket with a green multipocket vest and a tan baseball cap. Nate is standing in front of a body of water.
Fish Biologist - Marking and Tagging

1211 SE Cardinal Ct
Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683
United States

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About Nate Queisser

Program: Marking and tagging

Current Projects:

1. Determining Bull Trout population and distribution in the Clackamas and Columbia River Basins using eDNA

2. Evaluating Pacific Lamprey migration and entrainment using telemetry

3. Bio-sampling Chinook, Coho and Steelhead during mass marking operations

4. Maintaining PIT tag records

5. Determining Brook Trout population and distribution in Tyee Springs using telemetry

6. Conducting redd surveys to determine the impact on ESA listed species from grazing allotments and irrigation diversions

7. Operating and maintaining a floating surface collector on two hydroelectric dams

8. Conducting PIT and acoustic telemetry studies on Sockeye Salmon population enhancement 

Past Projects:

1. Estimated Bull Trout populations using electrofishing 

2. Maintained study sites for population and distribution studies of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout

3. Monitored telemetry equipment and sites for salmon habitat and run restoration


Nate has previously work for state (Idaho Fish and Game, Tacoma Public Utilities and Pacific States Marine Fisheries), federal (US Forest Service and Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge), and non-profit (California Trout) conservation agencies. 

At CRFWCO Since: 2020

From The Library

Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project 2022 Annual Report

Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) were last documented in the Clackamas River in 1963. Over four decades later, a 2007 feasibility study determined the Clackamas River Subbasin to be a promising candidate for Bull Trout reintroduction. In 2011, the first phase of a multi-agency reintroduction...