Orien Richmond

Orien Richmond
Deputy Assistant Regional Director for Migratory Birds and Science Applications, Mountain-Prairie Region

134 Union Blvd
Lakewood, CO 80203
United States

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About Orien Richmond

Orien helps lead a diverse team of researchers, wildlife biologists, conservation delivery professionals, communications experts, data managers, administrative analysts, and regulatory specialists in the Migratory Bird and Science Applications programs in the Mountain-Prairie region. The mission is to protect, restore and conserve bird populations and their habitats for the benefit of future generations and to bring partners together to identify shared conservation priorities and deliver scientific information and tools that are needed to achieve conservation goals across the landscape. Prior to his current role, Orien worked as a Zone Biologist for 13 years for the National Wildlife Refuge System’s Inventory and Monitoring Program in the Pacific Southwest and Mountain-prairie regions where he supported refuges with science-based decision making and survey design and implementation. Orien received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied habitat relationships and metapopulation dynamics of secretive marsh birds.

Areas of expertise
Structured decision making; Conservation planning; Inventory and monitoring; Survey design and protocol development; Vegetation monitoring; GIS; Data analysis