Pilar Rinker

Pilar (Wolters) Rinker
Fish Biologist

2500 S Pine Knoll Drive
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
United States

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About Pilar Rinker

Pilar Rinker started her career with US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2020. Prior to that, she worked for the Arizona Game and Fish Department for 11 years. Pilar received her BS and MS from Northern Arizona University. Her research focused on hybridization between Razorback and Flannelmouth Suckers. Her work demonstrated that hybridization can readily occur between both parental crosses and can pose a risk to the species in the wild. Her research was showcased on the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s television show, Wildlife Views.

When Pilar is not working, she is an avid hunter, angler and distance runner, and enjoys baking, and gardening.

Areas of expertise
Fish Monitoring on the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers
Fish Research
Fish Husbandry
Razorback-Flannelmouth Hybridization

From The Library

Monitoring Humpback Chub in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon During fall 2021.pdf

Each fall, AZFWCO and partners study populations of endangered Humpback Chub (Gila Cypha) on the mainstem Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons. This report documents the fall 2021 trip in the context of past findings and future recommendations.