Abernathy Fish Technology Center
1440 Abernathy Creek Rd.
Longview, WA 98632
United States
About Ron Twibell
Ron conducts research aimed at improving propagation techniques for various aquatic species including Chinook salmon, steelhead, Pacific lamprey and Lost River suckers. Recent projects include the characterization of physiological factors related to smolting and downstream migration of hatchery-reared salmonids and evaluation of the effects of ocean conditions on egg biochemical composition and reproductive success of Coho salmon.
Ph.D. 2000. Fish Nutrition. Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN.
B.S. 1994. Fisheries and Aquatic Science. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Twibell, R.G., Gannam, A.L., Barron, J.M., Wing, K., Hanson, K.C., Peterson, D.P., Balmer, B.F. and Nelson, D. 2017. Effects of dietary lipid and light source on steatitis in steelhead. Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture 479: 370-377.
Barron, J.M., Twibell, R.G. and Gannam, A.G. 2016. Evaluation of first feeds for larval Los River suckers. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78: 92-100.
Hanson, K.C., Twibell, R.G., Glenn, R.A., Barron, J.M., and Gannam, A.L. 2016. The Effects of a transition diet on the smoltification of Chinook salmon. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78: 307-313.
Koch, J.F., Rawles, S.D., Webster, C.D., Cummins, V., Kobayashi, Y., Thompson, K.R., Gannam, A.L., Twibell, R.G. and Hyde, N.M. 2016. Optimizing fish meal-free commercial diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture 452: 357-366.
Twibell, R.G., Barron, J.M. and Gannam, A.L. 2016. Evaluation of dietary lipid sources for the juvenile Lost River sucker. North American Journal of Aquaculture 78: 234-242.