Sara Seagraves

Sara Seagraves Holding a Lake Sturgeon

302 Fish Hatchery Lane
Mammoth Spring, AR 72554
United States

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About Sara Seagraves

Sara works with a camper from Camp Quality, AR, where she volunteers as the archery instructor and Program Coordinator.
Meet Sara Seagraves, Mussel Nanny!

Sara is a biologist/malacologist, working at Mammoth Spring National Fish Hatchery.

How would you describe your conservation work to someone you just met?  

I help freshwater mussels have babies.

What does conservation mean to you?  

Conservation means we are helping ensure that future generations can experience the same love for nature that I have today.

What led to your career choice?  Did you have a fish or conservation "ah-ha!" moment?  

As long as I can remember I've wanted to be a Biologist (I loved sitting on my dads lap as a kid watching nature shows on tv).  As a child, I wanted to be a Marine Biologist but it wasn't until I was in college that I developed an interest in Freshwater species, specifically mussels.  My brother, who is a few years older than me was working on his Master's degree and he let me assist him in the field on a few occasions looking for mussels.  It was that experience that led me down my current path.

What is your favorite aquatic species?  

I've always loved sea turtles but if I were to pick a species I work with it, would probably be one of the many species of Freshwater Mussels I've worked with, like the Snuffbox.

Do you have a memorable moment on the job?  

Definitely going out to survey for Lake Sturgeon.  Getting to place a pit tag in my first sturgeon was an experience I will never forget.

Most enjoyable aspect of your work.  

Getting to spend time in the river surveying for mussels.

Where did you go to school?  

I have an Associate's degree from Black River Technical College, and Bachelor's and Master's Degrees from Arkansas State University.  I also spent 4 years working at Baylor University gaining tons of experience in both Outreach and Research - everything from collecting and processing water samples, to coring trees, to aquatic habitat restoration.

To find resource management and biological sciences positions, go to Search “0401” and filter by “U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service” or “Department of the Interior.” Position requires a degree with a major in biological sciences or a combination of education and experience. Details about education and experience requirements as well as specific requirements are detailed in individual job listings.

Areas of expertise
Mussel Biologist