About Tim Blubaugh
Program: Natural Population Assessment
Current Projects:
1. Assisting with maintenance of PIT tag interrogation sites to assess entrainment of juvenile Pacific Lamprey in Umatilla River irrigation canals
2. Studying the effects of higher winter temperature on larval lamprey metamorphosis
3. Maintaining fish weirs used for monitoring of the Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project and a Cougar Creek Bull Trout spawning population study
Past Projects:
1. Assessed the thermal effects of dams on white sturgeon incubation and early life stage rearing
2. Analyzed diets of native and non-natives fishes of the Columbia River
3. Radio telemetry and PIT tag studies
a. Monitored lamprey upstream migration at the Lower Columbia dams to determine lamprey's ability to utilize existing passage systems
b. Studied the migratory behavior, distribution, run timing and spawning success for Chinook, Coho and Steelhead in the Willamette River and its tributaries
Tim has previously worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service at the Redbluff Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office
At CRFWCO since: 2020