50 Kendall Road
Jamestown, KY 42629
United States
About Travis Collier
Travis is the Deputy Project Leader at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery. Before coming to Wolf Creek, he spent most of his career with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Washington, beginning in 1999 working as an Animal Caretaker at Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery Complex. From there, he moved on to Columbia River Fisheries Program Office as a Fisheries Biologist working with Pacific Lamprey, salmonids, and freshwater mussels.
He then spent 17 years as Assistant Hatchery Manager at Leavenworth Fisheries Complex. Travis joined us most recently from the Willard National Fish Hatchery in the Columbia River Gorge Complex where he served as Project Leader, raising 3 million salmon per year.