Now accepting project proposals for 2025 grants!

The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) established the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to provide competitive, matching grants to projects that benefit neotropical birds across their range. The act authorizes grants for projects across the Western Hemisphere, including the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.  

The grants provided through this program help partners to protect, research, monitor, and manage bird populations and their habitats throughout their entire migratory life cycle, as well as to conduct community outreach and education. Over time, this funding helps prevent species from being listed as threatened or endangered, with priority given to imperiled species that are listed on our Birds of Conservation Concern 2021 report. 

The FWS Migratory Bird Program’s Division of Bird Habitat Conservation (DBHC) manages the NMBCA grants program and reviews proposals submitted during the program’s annual funding cycle. Final funding decisions are made by the Director of the FWS.

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation


FY25 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants

Proposal Deadline: October 31, 2024, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET) 

Funding Opportunity #: F25AS00015 

All applications must be submitted through our project management system GrantSolutions. This process requires a user account, an Unique Entity ID (UEI) and an active registration in the “System for Award Management” (SAM)

If it is your first time using or if you haven't procured a UEI and SAM registration, initiate preparations as soon as possible to avoid delays or complications in your application process. 

To get started, please visit the How to Apply for a NMBCA Grant. 

Important Change for FY2025: 

Partners required matching contributions (cost-sharing) amount has been lowered to 2-to-1.

UPDATE (As of September 2024): NMBCA would like to help eliminate application barriers for inexperienced or small organizations. If you have tried but were unable to register in the System for Award Management (SAM) or in GrantSolutions, or if you are currently enrolled but are having difficulty navigating these systems, you may be eligible to receive technical support through the FWS Small Grants Program. Please contact to learn if you are eligible for help with your application and grant administration. US State governments, Institutions of Higher Education (except Minority Serving Institutions), or large Nonprofit Organizations (i.e., received more than $10M from Department of the Interior bureaus and offices combined in the past three years) are not eligible. 

Photo Credit: Ernesto Gomez


Propuestas deben recibirse antes del 31 de octubre del 2024 (23:59 ET)

Todas las propuestas deben ser presentadas por medio de, un procedimiento que requiere bastante tiempo, un número activo de “Unique Entity Identifier” (UEI) y un registro activo en el “System for Award Management” (SAM). Debe solicitar una cuenta de usuario en GrantSolutions, que es nuestro sistema de gestión de proyectos. ¡Prepárese ya si nunca aplicó por y empiece ahora si todavía no tiene un registro en SAM! 

Empiece aquí: Ley de Conservación de Aves Migratorias Neotropicales (NMBCA)

ACTUALIZACIÓN (de septiembre del 2024): NMBCA desea reducir las barreras para las organizaciones pequeñas o sin experiencia que desean aplicar a una subvención. Si ha intentado, pero no pudo registrarse en el Sistema de Gestión de Subvenciones (“System for Award Management" o SAM por sus siglas en inglés) o en GrantSolutions, o si ya está registrado, pero tiene dificultades con estos sistemas, podría ser elegible para recibir asistencia técnica a través del Programa de Pequeñas Subvenciones del FWS. Por favor, póngase en contacto con para averiguar si es elegible para recibir ayuda técnica con su solicitud y con la administración de la subvención. Nunca son elegibles los gobiernos estatales de los Estados Unidos, las instituciones de educación superior (excepto las instituciones que sirven poblaciones especiales) o las grandes organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro (es decir, las que hayan recibido más de 10 millones de dólares del Departamento del Interior en los últimos tres años).


As propostas devem ser recebidas antes do 31 de outubro de 2024 (23:59 ET)

Todas as propostas devem ser apresentadas utilizando, um procedimento que requer algum tempo, um número ativo de “Unique Entity Identifier” (UEI) e um registro ativo no "System for Award Management" (SAM). Além disso, você deve solicitar uma conta de usuário no GrantSolutions, que é o nosso sistema de gerenciamento de projetos. Prepare-se agora se nunca utilizou e comece imediatamente se você não tiver um registro em SAM! Instruções (em inglês).

Como candidatar-se diretamente a um anúncio no GrantSolutions

Story Tags

Animal migration
Migratory birds
Neotropical birds
Tropical birds
Water birds