Wildlife Videos

Wildlife videos can take you to wonderful outdoor spaces and show you amazing sights without your leaving home. What’s more, you’ll have a skilled interpreter at your side. That means someone who can show you what distinctive features and behaviors to look for in local wildlife – and why these matter. Get set to meet some caring and knowledgeable people who want to share their passion for nature with you.

Made for Kids

A smiling woman in a blue shirt holds a black and white bird with a long orange bill.
Ranger Felice Yarbough with an American oystercatcher. | Image Details

WHOOP! for Whooping Cranes
Join Ranger Felice Yarbough on a madcap visit to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge to see whoopers, alligators, armadillo and other wildlife. The  video combines on-site video with funny animation.

Wild Birds
A video byVirtually Wild! Texas looks at birds like the American oystercatcher.

Wild Wetlands
A video byVirtually Wild! Texas explores marshes and animals that live in them.

The Crow Family
Explore Your World with interpretive ranger Gretchen Newberry.

Mammals’ Sense of Smell
Ranger Gretchen Newberry shows you how mammals are able to smell.


Eyed trout fish eggs
Eyed trout fish eggs | Image Details

Steelhead Eggs Hatch
Watch baby steelhead trout hatch from eggs at Quilcene National Fish Hatchery in Washington state.

Last Dance for the Attwater’s Prairie Chicken
A video by Texas Parks and Wildlife. Once, one million Attwater’s prairie chickens roamed the coastal prairies of Texas and Louisiana. Now less than one percent remain. Watch biologists at Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge in Texas try to save one of the most endangered birds in the state.

Busy Bees: A Lesson Pollinators
Staff at Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery in Washington state explain how insects and birds help give us foods like bananas, nuts and coffee.

Just for Fun

Woodcock Strut
The American woodcock has a funny way of walking. See if you agree.

bear walking in a lagoon
A coastal brown bear in Kinzarof Lagoon, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. | Image Details

Laysan Albatross mating dance
A video from Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge.

Prairie Chicken Dance
A video by Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation.

Virtual Visits

National Wildlife Refuges through the Lens of Ian Shive
See the stunning natural beauty of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lands and waters.
Audio described version

Izembek Refuge: Where Life Abounds
Stunning wildlife footage from Alaska wilderness.

America’s Conservation Legacy
Learn how political cartoonist J.N. "Ding" Darling used his artistic skills to benefit wildlife and natural resources.

A swimmer kicks his or her yellow fins and explores the waters near Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific.
A swimmer explores the waters near Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific. | Image Details

Kenai Refuge: Icefield to Ocean
Enjoy a virtual visit to Kenai National Wildlife Refuge -- one of Alaska's most famed and scenic refuges.
Audio described version

Kenai Refuge: Closeness to the Wild
Follow wildlife biologist Dom Watts as he ventures into remote corners of the refuge and surrounding lands to fish and hunt.

Living National Monuments
Explore the five marine national monuments in the National Wildlife Refuge System: Papahānaumokuākea, Pacific Remote Islands, Rose Atoll and Marianas Trench (in the Pacific) and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts (in the Atlantic).
Audio described version

Take a Virtual Dive at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Experience the beauty and biodiversity of Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific, one of the most important marine ecosystems on the planet.

Story Tags

Connecting people with nature
Education outreach
Environmental education
Wildlife refuges
Wildlife viewing

Recreational Activities