Minnesota Valley NWR - Confluence Gallery

About the Confluence Gallery 

The refuge’s Confluence Gallery, located in the Bloomington Education and Visitor Center, is a venue for emerging and established Minnesota-based artists who reflect the community and excel at creating artwork with a focus on nature and natural elements, ecology, conservation, and/or the beauty of the Minnesota River Valley. The Confluence Gallery aims to serve as a conduit between the natural world and the local community; inspiring, educating, and connecting refuge visitors to the natural world. 

Exhibitions: September 20, 2024 - November 17, 2024

Artistry presents Perspective Memories by Jade Lent and Billy Thao in the Confluence Gallery located at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge from September 20, 2024 through November 17, 2024. For more information on the art pieces and artist visit the event page.

Confluence Gallery Location and Hours 

  • Bloomington Education and Visitor Center - 3815 American Blvd. East, Bloomington, MN 55425
  • Wednesdays – Sundays, 10am – 5pm 

*Open extended hours for exhibition openings and artist talks. Check our events calendar for gallery events. Closed on federal holidays.

Confluence Gallery Partners 

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge has partnered with Artistry and Minnesota Valley Refuge Friends to support the Confluence Gallery!  

Keep up with the Confluence Gallery 

Stay up-to-date with gallery news by following Artistry and Minnesota Valley NWR at:  

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge  

Story Tags

Connecting people with nature
Urban refuge
Visitor services
Wildlife refuges