Turnbull NWR Environmental Education Program

Environmental Education Programs

Turnbull NWR has been connecting people with nature since the 1990s. With the support of Friends of Turnbull, a non-profit organization established in 1997, refuge staff and volunteers have been able to increase environmental awareness throughout the Inland Northwest. Turnbull's Environmental Education (EE) program promotes the development of an educated and informed constituency, proactive in protecting and restoring natural ecosystems. This program has been developed to meet the refuge goal of providing quality environmental education, interpretation, research and wildlife-dependent recreation opportunities compatible with the refuge’s purposes and mission. 

The environmental education program is directed by a full-time Visitor Services Manager. The refuge works with AmeriCorps and Student Conservation Association interns as well as volunteers to assist with facilitation and curriculum development.

For Educators

The Refuge provides free facilitated field trips on the refuge and in-classroom outreach programs to local schools. All field trips, including self-guided visits, and other environmental education activities must be scheduled with the refuge.

To schedule a program or request information on the refuge’s environmental education program, please contact contact Ranger Josh at 509-559-3034, or via email at joshua_contois@fws.gov.

Note: There are currently no environmental education programs or field trips being offered at Turnbull NWR. The entire program is being redeveloped with the desired outcome of updating programs to be more inquiry-based, meet Next Generation Science Standards, and allow for a more user-facilitated experience. The anticipated resumption of programs and field trips is Fall 2025.

Lesson Plans

Coming soon!

Discover the Channeled Scablands

Meet Our Staff

Park ranger in a tan uniform and brown hat
Supervisory Park Ranger
National Wildlife Refuge System
Additional Role(s)
Visitor Services Manager,
Volunteer Coordinator,
Visual Information Specialist,
Social Media Manager,
Public Information Officer
Environmental Education,
Graphic Design,
Digital & Social Media

Learn More About the Refuge

A drake redhead on wetland at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge
Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge encompasses over 23,000 acres in eastern Washington on the edge of the Columbia River Basin. The Channeled Scablands ecosystem that predominates the Refuge is unique within the National Wildlife Refuge System. Ponderosa pine, wetlands, meadow steppe and riparian...

External Resources

Beetles Project - Resources for outdoor science programs.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology Bird Sleuth K-12 Lesson Plans - This contains resources and links for monthly lessons.

e3 Washington - A professional association for environmental educators.

National Environmental Education Foundation - Sponsors environmental education events nationwide.

No Child Left Inside (NCLI) Curriculum

Owl Pellets - Here are some organizations that might offer pellets to learn about their diets: Pellets Inc. and Acorn Naturalists.

Pacific Education Institute - Environmental Education resources for across Washington.

Project WILD Resources - Program resources for integrating environmental lessons.

Wild Washington Lesson Plans

Upcoming Events