Wild Wednesdays: 10:00 am & 1:00 pm June -August. Explore the world of nature with your child during this hour long adventure geared for 3-7 yr olds. Meet at Discovery Center. Space is limited, please register through the Friends of Tamarac webpage: tamaracfriends.org or the Facebook events.
Topics through the summer include:
June 8: Puppet Show: Why do you like Tamarac?
June 15: Skunk Scents
June 22: Loony for Loons with Scott Rykken, author of Once Upon a Loon
June 29: Honking Honkers
July 6: Soaring Eagles
July 13: Which One is the Bunny?
July 20: Whose Track is This?
July 27: Fishy Fishy in the Brook
August 3: Rascally Raccoons
August 10: Busy Buzzing Bees with harpist Tamie Jensen
August 17: Fun with Leaves
August 24: Prickly Porcupines
August 31: Puppet Show, Activity Stations, Games and Dilly Bars!