Collision Monitoring in Downtown Toledo

Help us save birds this fall during our collision monitoring program in downtown Toledo. Fall migration of birds begins as early as June and lasts all the way to January. During fall migration, post-breeding adult birds are migrating to their wintering grounds alongside juveniles hatched that breeding season. This influx of birds passing through our urban landscapes over an extended period of time can be a deadly outcome for birds that end up colliding with windows. Each day from Tuesday, September 5th to Tuesday, October 31st, volunteers will meet at the Starbucks on Summit Street (303 N. Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604) at 7:00am where they will then be divided into groups to walk downtown Toledo looking for birds that have been injured or killed by window collisions. Volunteers meet back up at the Starbucks at 9:00am. Join one day a week, or as often as you want. We are flexible! Want to help, but can’t walk long distances? Consider volunteering to drive injured birds from downtown Toledo to Nature’s Nursery to help them get the care they need. If interested, contact Jessica at (419) 607-1239 or In September, the collision monitoring program is part of our Migration Celebration, a month-long celebration of the fall migration of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and more. By participating in collision monitoring, you can “migrate” up to 4 miles a day and 23 miles if you transport birds to Nature’s Nursery. 

Event date and time
Event location name
Downtown Toledo
Age range
All ages