The Great Backyard Bird Count

The Great Backyard Bird Count is a citizen-science based count held every year from February 16-19th. People from across the world can participate and observe birds that they see within their own backyard or at their participating public lands! We encourage anyone to come out and join a refuge ranger to identify birds at our bird feeding station from the comforts of the DeSoto Visitor Center. If you can’t make it out to the refuge for the count, then consider doing your own count at your backyard. All data collected from this count helps researchers learn about where birds are overwintering and how populations are doing across the U.S. and world. Find more information on this bird count here: On February 17th, 2024, at 10 am, DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge will be hosting the Great Backyard Bird Count at the DeSoto Visitor Center. Refuge rangers will help visitors identify birds to record for the count by pointing out identifying characteristics, demonstrating binocular and scope use, and how to use bird identification guides. Birders of all experience levels are welcome to join. Binoculars and identification guides will be available at a first come first served basis. Following the bird watching, refuge rangers will be hosting a bird feeder program for visitors to learn about different ways they can make simple feeders to hang in their own backyard. This program will involve the use of peanut butter so please be aware of allergens when attending. The program will continue as supplies last and is welcome for all ages.
Event date and time
Event location name
DeSoto NWR Visitor Center

Event category

Age range
All ages