Sandhill Crane Tour

Join us for a free, behind-the-gates tour with the potential to see thousands of staging sandhill cranes flying overhead as they return to their roost sites on refuge pools. Registration is required. This program is partially held outdoors, please dress appropriately for the weather. Spotting scope and binoculars available to borrow.

Led by refuge staff. 

Any cancellation notice will be sent via email to registered participants.

Registration Information: 

Registration opens on Tuesday, September 17th at 8 am. Registration is required and limited to 50 participants or 15 vehicles, whichever comes first. To register for this program, please call 763-301-1827 or email

Information Needed To Register:

  • Preferred tour date
  • Number of spots being reserved
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Name of each participant

Expect this program to meet at the Oak Savanna Learning Center classroom for a presentation on sandhill cranes, convoy to the sandhill crane spotting site, then end on County Road 3. Restrooms and water fountains are located only at the Oak Savanna Learning Center. There will be no access to restrooms or water fountains once the group leaves the Learning Center.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing access to these events for all participants. Please direct all requests for special accommodation to Refuge Headquarters: 763‐389‐3323,, or TTY 800‐877‐8339 two weeks before the event.

Event date and time
Event location name
Oak Savanna Learning Center


16797 289th Ave NWZimmerman,55398MN

Event category

Outdoor Activity
Age range
All ages