Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery was established in 1899. The hatchery's primary recovery focus occurs in Georgia, but work performed benefits species throughout the 10-state Southeast Region. The hatchery restores and manages inter-jurisdictional coastal and riverine fishes such as Striped Bass, Alligator Gar, and Lake Sturgeon. Species such as Striped Bass and Lake Sturgeon are vital to fishery resources of the Southeastern United States and the Atlantic Coast managed in cooperation with the various state game and fish agencies. The hatchery works with many partners including the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians to recover Sicklefin Redhorse in North Carolina. The hatchery recovers species listed under the Endangered Species Act, such as freshwater mussels. Recovery efforts also include candidate ESA species and state listed species such as Gopher Tortoises and Gopher Frogs.

Visit Us

Warm Spring National Fish Hatchery facilities include a public aquarium and displays which highlight the work done on station and by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Over 50,000 visitors annually get up close with our species and the conservation hatchery process. Educational opportunities for groups exist during visits to learn more about hatchery operations and resource issues.

Location and Contact Information


    What We Do

    The role of our hatchery is recovery of species that have become imperiled. Our mission is to remedy impacts of manmade dams that have altered a stream’s natural reproductive capability; to recover threatened or endangered populations; to restore inter-jurisdictional fish populations; to support depleted recreational fish populations in Federal and state waters.

    Our Organization

    Fly Fish Clinic at Wolf Creek
    The Office of Conservation Investment funds conservation and connects people with nature through grants that support conservation efforts with partners. We provide technical assistance and administer grants that distribute millions of dollars annually to support fish and wildlife conservation,...
    A man is fishing in a boat with three young girls. The kids are excitedly pulling a fish out of the water.
    The Fish and Aquatic Conservation programs work together to deliver resilient habitats, healthy fish, connected people, and strong partnerships. From habitat restoration to aquatic invasive species prevention, captive breeding to population assessment and monitoring, our programs are driven by the...
    Close up of a California condor. Its pink featherless head contrasts with its black feathers.
    We provide national leadership in the recovery and conservation of our nation's imperiled plant and animal species, working with experts in the scientific community to identify species on the verge of extinction and to build the road to recovery to bring them back. We work with a range of public...
    A person is walks through a large wide culvert that passes under a gravel road. A small river runs through the culvert.
    Across the country, millions of barriers are fragmenting rivers, blocking fish migration, and putting communities at higher risk to flooding. Removing those barriers is one of the most effective ways to help conserve vulnerable species while building safer infrastructure for people. The National...
    Orange fish eggs on a white background.
    The National Fish Hatchery System raises millions of fish and aquatic wildlife to improve sustainable recreational fishing, support fisheries that have been impacted by a federal dam, recover federally listed threatened or endangered species, fulfill our Tribal Trust responsibilities, and prevent...

    Our Species

    Species on station include:

    • Alligator Gar
    • Freshwater Mussels
    • Gopher Frogs
    • Gopher Tortoises
    • Gulf Coast Striped Bass
    • Hybrid Bass
    • Lake Sturgeon
    • Sicklefin Redhorse

    Projects and Research

    Warm Springs NFH produces fish, freshwater mussels, tortoises, and frogs for recovery programs within the state of Georgia and throughout the Southeast Region. Every year, the hatchery stocks thousands of fish in Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida. Gopher tortoises and gopher frogs are released every year across the state of Georgia.