Winthrop National Fish Hatchery raises spring Chinook and coho salmon, and steelhead.

About Us

Winthrop National Fish Hatchery works with partners to achieve goals we couldn't do as well alone. Our staff works closely with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Douglas County Public Utility District in collecting adult steelhead for broodstock broodstock
The reproductively mature adults in a population that breed (or spawn) and produce more individuals (offspring or progeny).

Learn more about broodstock
, and in the monitoring and evaluation of the hatchery steelhead programs in the Methow Sub-basin. We raise coho salmon for the Yakama Nation to help them with their vision of restoring coho populations. The Nation also rehabilitates steelhead kelts at our hatchery. These are just a few examples of partnerships that benefit wildlife and people.

Learn more about us on an introductory video.

What We Do

Currently, we raise 200,000 steelhead, 400,000 spring Chinook, and 250,000 coho salmon for release into the Methow River. Salmon and steelhead must travel 574 river miles between the hatchery and the Pacific Ocean. Learn more about our Chinook salmon program and our steelhead program on the Friends of Northwest Hatcheries YouTube channel.

Looking for fish run information? Or weather data? Check out the What We Do page.

Our Species

We raise spring Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and steelhead.

Projects and Research

Part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service mission is to work with partners. At our hatchery, one important partner is Douglas County Public Utility District’s Methow Fish Hatchery. Together, we raise spring Chinook salmon to provide fish for tribal, commercial, and sport fisheries and to boost the wild population. We do this through a "stepping stone" conservation model, which has been in action since 2010.

We partner with the Yakama Nation Fisheries to produce coho salmon for release, and to capture and release steelhead kelts.

Our steelhead program is aimed to research better methods for raising them.

Visit Us

We welcome visitors! Stop by and follow our self-guided map to view our site. In summer, volunteers may be on hand to show you around.

How to Find Us

Winthrop National Fish Hatchery is located in Okanogan County in north central Washington, at 453A Twin Lakes Road, Winthrop, WA, 98862. The 42 acre site lies ninety miles north of Wenatchee and sits just outside the town of Winthrop. The Methow River flows through the northern edge of the property.

Directions: As you drive along State Highway 20 to Winthrop, look for Twin Lakes Road on the east end of town and follow the signs to the Hatchery. Come on in for a visit!

Tour the Hatchery

Visitors are welcome to tour our hatchery. In summer, a volunteer may be on hand to show you around. Although our small staff is busy, we can help answer your questions, too.

A two story concrete structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.

Learn more about structure
houses are returning adults from May to late August. A viewing window in the side allows you to see the fish.

Pets must be on a leash.

Bike or Ski the Trail

The Methow Valley Community Trail provides 34 miles of cycling, and a trailhead is located on the corner of the hatchery. Learn more about the trail system here...

Winthrop Chamber of Commerce...

Location and Contact Information
