Learn to Fish with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Looking for a fun and easy way to catch your first fish AND a love of fishing? Check out a family friendly fishing event at your local fish hatchery or national wildlife refuge national wildlife refuge
A national wildlife refuge is typically a contiguous area of land and water managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  for the conservation and, where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.

Learn more about national wildlife refuge
! There are 70 national fish hatcheries and more than 570 national wildlife refuges across the country, so chances are there’s a fishing event at a hatchery or refuge near you! Our resident fishing experts will be on hand to offer advice and encouragement, and some events even provide loaner gear to get you started. What are you waiting for! Check out this round up of some of the fun fishing events or activities we’re offering this year. Reach out to a hatchery or refuge near you for more information about local fishing events. Unless otherwise stated, you will need a local and/or state fishing license. 

Get Started Fishing Today

Spring Fishing Events - March, April, May 

Two kids sitting on a cooler fishing in a pond on a sunny day.
Fishing can be a wonderful way to build memories and connect the youth with the outdoors. | Image Details

Earth Day at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery - Jamestown, KY 
April 20, 2024
Celebrate a community Earth Day Event at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery. Enjoy activities, giveaways, and fun events including birds of prey, fly tying, blow-up archery, and more! For more information visit: https://www.fws.gov/event/earth-day-event-wolf-creek-national-fish-hatchery

Dworshak Kids Fishing Day

Dworshak National Fish Hatchery - Orofino, ID 
May 3, 2024 
Annual fishing event held in collaboration with the Nez Perce Tribe. Kids fish at Tunnel Pond, a Tribally stocked fishing pond. All fishing gear, bait, ice, fish cleaning and cooking instruction is provided by USFWS, volunteers, and the Nez Perce Tribe. For more information visit: https://www.fws.gov/fish-hatchery/dworshak/events or contact angela_feldmann@fws.gov.

Wheeler Youth Fishing Rodeo 

Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - Decatur, AL 
May 4, 2024 
Children ages 5 to 12 are invited to come out and try their luck at the special event catfish pond located near the Visitor Center. For more information visit: https://www.fws.gov/event/youth-fishing-rodeo-2.

Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Expos 

Milwaukee, WI - May 8, 2024 
Poynette, WI - May 15 - 16, 2024
Join the Green Bay Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office for the Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Expo - an annual event put on by the Outdoor Heritage Education Center. The Expo provides middle school youth the opportunity to try outdoor skills like archery, fishing, birding, and plant ID. For more information visit https://www.outdoorheritageeducationcenter.com/mohee-youth-expo or contact anthony_rieth@fws.gov.

Dworshak Veterans' Fishing Day

Dworshak National Fish Hatchery - Orofino, ID 
May 8, 2024 
Annual fishing event held in collaboration with the Nez Perce Tribe. Vet's fish at Tunnel Pond, a tribal stocked fishing pond. All fishing gear, bait, ice, and fish cleaning provided by USFWS, volunteers, and the Nez Perce Tribe. For more information visit: https://www.fws.gov/fish-hatchery/dworshak/events or contact angela_feldmann@fws.gov

Chattahoochee Forest Veterans' Appreciation Rodeo 

Chattahoochee Forest National Fish Hatchery – Suches, GA 
May 10, 2024 
Calling all Veterans! Join Chattahoochee Forest National Fish Hatchery for a peaceful day on the water. Event open to all U.S. Military Veterans. Will take place rain or shine. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/veterans-appreciation-rodeoc 

2nd Annual Kids Fishing Day with the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary 

Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary – Green Bay, WI 
May, 11, 2024 
The Green Bay Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office and Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary are holding their second annual Kids Fishing Day! The Kids Fishing Day is a free fishing event held at Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary (urban youth pond). This event features multiple stations where children stamp a passport book and get to fish after navigating the various tables. Contact anthony_rieth@fws.gov for more information. 

Neosho Veteran's Day Fishing Derby 

Neosho National Fish Hatchery – Neosho, MO 
May 18, 2024 
Neosho National Fish Hatchery hosts an Annual Veterans and Active-Duty Fishing Day. Proof of service is required. Fishing tackle and bait are provided. Please do not bring any of your own gear to help us prevent contamination. Volunteers will be on hand to clean and pack your fish on ice. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/veterans-derby 

Genoa Kids Fishing Day

Genoa National Fish Hatchery - Genoa, WI
May 18, 2024
Calling all youth anglers’ ages 5-12 years old! Come and enjoy a morning of learning and fishing at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery stocked hatchery pond! Poles and bait are provided. No outside bait allowed. Registration begins 8:30am - 9:00am. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/kids-fishing-day-2024

2024 National Fishing and Boating Week Events (June 1st – June 9th

A person reeling in a fish.
Reeling in a channel catfish at Uvalde National Fish Hatchery during the National Fishing and Boating week fishing derby. | Image Details

Catch A Rainbow Kids Fishing Derby – National Fishing and Boating Week 

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery - Jamestown, KY  
June 1, 2024 
The Catch-a-Rainbow kids fishing derby is a FREE event for kids up to age 15. Kids fish in Hatchery Creek on site during time slots for their age group. Prizes are awarded for largest fish, as well as door prizes. Everyone enjoys free hotdogs, snow cones, and drinks. Come take part in 30-year Russell County tradition! Learn more at https://www.fws.gov/event/36th-annual-catch-rainbow-kids-fishing-derby. ` 

14th Annual Youth Fishing Day Event 

Pendills Creek National Fish Hatchery - Brimley, MI 
June 1st, 2024 
Join us for our upcoming 14th Annual Youth Fishing Day Event at Pendills Creek National Fish Hatchery, co-hosted with Friends of Pendills Creek Hatchery. This is a free family event...Open to young people 15 years of age and younger. No registration required. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/fish-hatchery/pendills-creek/events.

Muscatatuck Family Fishing Day 

Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge - Seymour, IN 
June 1st, 2024 
Fishing lessons will be given with equipment/bait provided. There will be fly-fishing and fly-tying demonstrations, cane pole making, and fishing activities for children. Visit https://www.fws.gov/event/family-fishing-day-2 for more information. 

Back Bay Bash 

Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge - Virginia Beach,VA 
June 1st, 2024 
There will be fun for all ages at this free event, including kayak demos, a surf fishing clinic, freshwater fishing clinic, guided walks and more. Come on out to try something new, learn something new or share something new with friends and family. Please note, parking is limited, please carpool where possible. For more information please visit https://www.fws.gov/event/back-bay-bash.

Neosho Kid's Fishing Derby – National Fishing and Boating Week 

Neosho National Fish Hatchery – Neosho, MO 
June 7th, 2024 
Always the first Friday in June, this long-standing tradition is geared at getting children ages 7-12 interested in fishing. Pre-registration is available for morning and afternoon session. Fishing tackle and bait are provided. Do not bring any personal fishing gear. No license or tag required. Four trout limit and no catch and release allowed. Volunteers will be on hand to clean your fish and pack them on ice. A cooler is recommended to keep the fish fresh. Registration accepted the day of the event, or in advance starting in May. Please call the Hatchery to register at 417-451-0554. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/kids-fishing-derby.

Chattahoochee Forest Seniors' Fishing Rodeo – National Fishing and Boating Week 

Chattahoochee Forest National Fish Hatchery – Suches, GA 
June 7, 2024 
Open to 55 and older. Will take place rain or shine. Prizes given away. Must supply own gear and bait. All Georgia Sport Fishing regulations apply. For more information contact the hatchery at 706-838-4723 or check out our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/chattahooceeforestnfh. Registration the day of event. Location: 4730 Rock Creek Road, Suches, Ga. 30572 (GPS doesn't work well, call for directions) 

Bears Bluff Kid's Fishing Day – National Fishing and Boating Week 

Bears Bluff National Fish Hatchery – Wadmalaw Island, SC 
June 8, 2024 
Our annual Kid's Fishing Day invites children 12 and under to catch a variety of freshwater fish in our pond on station. Prizes will be awarded for several categories and goodie bags will be provided for all in attendance. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/fish-hatchery/bears-bluff or contact Roman_Crumption@fws.gov. 

Winthrop Kids Fishing Day – National Fishing and Boating Week 

Winthrop National Fish Hatchery – Winthrop, WA 
June 8, 2024 
Swim on over to Winthrop National Fish Hatchery for the Methow Valley National Fishing and Boating Day Celebration. Check out live macroinvertebrates (what are they??), have a look at how humans imitate beavers, practice your water conservation skills, play with a stream model, and more! Collect stamps for each activity in your own "passport." Once you've collected enough stamps, children under age 14 can use one of our fishing rods (or bring your own!) to fish for trout. Volunteers and staff are ready to assist. We'll clean your catch for you, too! Visit https://www.fws.gov/event/winthrop-kids-fishing-day for more information. 

Chattahoochee Forest Kids' Fishing Rodeo – National Fishing and Boating Week 

Chattahoochee Forest National Fish Hatchery – Suches, GA 
June 8th 2024 
Open to youth 16 and younger. Will take place rain or shine. Prizes given away. Must supply own gear and bait. All Georgia Sport Fishing regulations apply. For more information contact the hatchery at 706-838-4723 or check out our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/chattahooceeforestnfh. Registration the day of event. Start Time: June 8, 2024; 9am- Noon. Location: 4730 Rock Creek Road, Suches, Ga. 30572 (GPS doesn't work well, call for directions) 

Genoa Fishability! 

Genoa National Fish Hatchery - Genoa, WI
June 8, 2024
10th Annual Lions District 27 - D2 “Fishability” Kids Fishing Event for children that have physical and other challenges which limit their accessibility to the outdoors. The event will be held at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery and local area children ages 5-18 and their families that have pre-registered for the event will be attending. To pre-registered please contact Pat (608)279-2417 by May 19, 2024 (first 30 applicants). For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/fishability-10th-annual-lions-district-27-d2.

Summer Fishing Events – July, August

Wounded Warrior Fishing Event Participants
The annual Wounded Warrior Fishing Event brings veterans together for a day of fishing and fellowship. | Image Details

Youth Outdoor Fest 2024 

Midwest Fisheries Center - La Crosse, WI 
July 13, 2024 
Join us for the Annual Youth Outdoor Fest at Pettibone Park, 700N Pettibone Drive, La Crosse, WI, on July 13, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Kids will have the opportunity to go fishing, shoot a bow, paddle a canoe/kayak or paddleboard, cast a fly rod, learn how to identify furs, fish and birds, play games, interact with live animals, and much more, all in one day for FREE! For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/youth-outdoor-fest-2024

Fly Fishing 101 Workshop 

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery - Jamestown, KY  
August 17th, 20224 
You'll learn how to choose and use equipment, fly selection, knot tying, how to read a stream, how to cast, and how to land a fish. The streamside classroom includes on-stream instruction, a complimentary fly box with five flies, and loaner rods and reels. Package includes- Morning classroom session, lunch, casting session, and fishing a world-class trout stream. Register early as space is limited. Fee Required. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/fly-fishing-101-workshop-2 

Fall Fishing Events – September, October, November 

Wounded Warrior Fishing Event 

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery - Jamestown, KY  
September 9th , 20224 
Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery's 11th Annual Wounded Warrior Fishing event will be held September 9, 2024! This is a free fishing event available to veterans who have suffered any injury related to their service. Beginning at 6 am, participants will be provided a guide for striper fishing in the morning, return to the hatchery for lunch and giveaways, and then fish Hatchery Creek for the remainder of the day. Pre-registration and fishing license with trout stamp required. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/wounded-warrior-fishing-event.

Catch A Smile Senior Fishing Derby 

Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery - Jamestown, KY  
September 24th, 2024 
This is a FREE fishing event for those ages 62 and older. Includes complimentary lunch and door prize! Fishing gear and bait not provided, fishing licenses required, state fishing regulations apply. Registration begins at 8 am CST. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/event/catch-smile-senior-fishing-derby-0.

Mammoth Spring Kid’s Fishing Derby 

Mammoth Spring National Fish Hatchery - Mammoth Spring, AR 
September 28th, 2024 
Come celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day at Mammoth Spring National Fish Hatchery. Young people aged 15 and under can fish in dedicated ponds at the hatcher, families can check out our info booths, and everyone gets a free lunch! For more information contact richard_peek@fws.gov

Return of the Salmon Festival 

Coleman National Fish Hatchery – Anderson, CA 
October 19th, 2024 
Each year Coleman NFH celebrates the return of fall Chinook salmon with a Festival on the third Saturday of October. This one-day Festival is free to attend and the public can view all hatchery operations related to spawning and rearing of salmon. In addition, there are over 40 exhibitors from local non-profit and government agencies with information on natural resources in our area. Follow our FB Events Page for the most up to date information https://www.facebook.com/ColemanNFH/events.

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